>>This Article is forwarded to my email "Jahannam Yahudi!Jahannam Yahudi Laknatullah!Mampus Yahudi!" Those were amongts the swears being loudly uttered by the demonstrators in any rallies organised in Malaysia in condemning Israel and showing solidarity towards the Palestinians. For some parties, Jews are equal to Zionists, Judaism is equal to Zionism, Jewish nation is equal to Israel.I wouldn't agree much with such generalisation. The fact that what is happening in Gaza, and Palestine as a whole has nothing to do with the Jewish people as a nation nor the Judaism as a religion. Since the day Herzl (the founder of World Zionist Organisation) declared the idea of Erez Yisrael (Israeli state) until today, thousands of Jews, from the lay people to intellectuals, politicians and thinkers strongly diagreed and oppossed the idea and the ideology for whatever reasons they adherent to.If the Jewish people are all Zionists, What have we to say about people like Alan Hart, Il...