Kesangsian Pemikiran

Dialog 1 : Ibu: Kakak.. Your father is going to meeting in East Malaysia. He's going with his boss, unmarried 30 year old lady. Ana k : OMG.. Is her prettier than you Mom? Ibu : Your father have introduced her to me.. She's kinda chubby. An ak : LOL.. Just dont worry ya.. Everything's going to be fine. Ibu : I know.. But I still feel uneasy. Anything could happen. Anak : Just call father often and say to him that you love him a lot.. Okay? Dialog 2: Kakak : Hey.. Whats up.. Our father is going to meeting with a single ladies. Only two of them.. Adik : Gosh.. Are they sitting next to each other in the flight? Kakak : I dont know. But dont worry.. Mom said she's a bit chubby. Adik : Just pray to Allah to protect our father than any bad things.. Okay? Kakak : I do.. But our mom is getting very awry about this.. Adik : Hopefully nothing happen. Dialog 3 : Suami : Dear, I'm going outstation for 1 week. Isteri : 1 week? Why is it so long? I dont...