Perpaduan yang sebenar

Siang tadi kami sekeluarga berkelah di kawasan perkelahan Janda Baik.. Herm.. Mula2 macam tak rami orang tapi menjelang tengah hari barulah kawasan tu dah nak sesak.. Antara pengunjung yang baru sampai masa kami dah nak blik tu.. Ada satu family ni. Indian family. Mula-mula agak terkejut juga sebab jarang jumpa Indian family time berkelah dekat tempat macam ni. Selalunya orang Melayu jer yang suka menghabiskan masa kat tepi sungai macam ni. The water is breezingly cold. Walaupun dah tengah hari rembang.. air tu tetap je maintain sejuk. Agaknya kat hulu sungai tu ada kilang ais kot. Haha..

Anyway... This Indian family.. kebetulan pula ketua family mereka merupakan Pengerusi MIC bahagian Selayang.. what a coincident! Dan tanpa mengetahui perkara itu, ayah saya yang tersayang dengan tiba-tib meramahkan diri untuk bertegur sapa dengan uncle tu dan mereka berbual panjang dengan agak lama. Saya sendiri pun terkejut macam mana ayah saya yang selalunya tak suka berborak lama dengan orang.. tapi dengan uncle ni.. mereka boleh berbincang pasal macam2 perkara.

Yang paling menarik.. pada mulanya mereka duduk agak jauh dan tapi beberapa minit lepas tu uncle tu merapatkan dirinya dengan abah. What a nice view my mom and I had when we look at them both together. Then I started to think.. This is the real perpaduan.. Bila an Indian can sit next to a Malay.. without any second thoughts that the Malay would harm him in anyway. In a way.. I feel proud with my abah because he actually showed the uncle that we Malay is not that rigid and ignorance about others.

So I took some pictures of them sitting next to each other. Well they look 'cute' together. Haha.. This uncle is pretty wealthy. He got 15 rooms in his house. I bet their family are living together in one big house. My ummi said he is a bit showing off his wealthy through his stories to my father. But nevermind.. In a person there's always more kindness than hate. His children work as lawyers, doctors, and one of his daughter is marrying a pilot in Nigeria with a salary 50K permonth. No wonder they live in a big house.

Then i've been thinking for a moment. Why dont we just put aside all the negative perception and look at the brighter part. He's a 'big' man with 'big' pocket. Why dont we Malay struggle more so that we also can be rich (not exactly rich like Tan Sri Mokhtar Al-Bukhary) but at least we enhance our economic status and then we can help those in need. A bit ambitious but its the truth.. So i attached here my abah and the uncle's picture then you'll just judge by yourself. How much your understanding about perpaduan..


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