Afternoon at Al-Jenderami

Whew.. On Friday we all went to a place named Yayasan Al-Jenderami to fulfill the requirement for Geriatric Nutrition class we took this semester. The place look so serene and peaceful you when you reached there unlike any other place in Malaysia. For my own experience, I never felt so khusyu' while performing my prayer. But I able to focus my mind during my Asar prayer that evening.

Yayasan Al-Jenderami is a self-funding non government association, founded by a group of people who claim themselves as Muhibbun (The Sayyid Lovers). Therefore every month they will celebrate Maulud as the remembrance of our Prophet Muhammad pbuh. There's nothing much I can tell bout them. But what informed, they formed their own community at Kg Jenderam Hilir and have their own rules for their families. Every week they will have meeting and discuss any occurrence that recently happen. The interesting part is when if any of the daughters do not cover the aurat, anyone could easily mention that matters in the weekly meeting.

The scenario and culture they practiced are similar like those u'll find in the 60's and 70's residential area. Each single members of the community is considered as parts of the whole society. Any child is everyone's child. So hard to find such practices in Malaysia. Especially at the city when everyone is practising mutual selfishness. Ahaks.. I just debating over with a friend named Mahzuz bout the attitude of the so-called civilized people that only mind over their own business.

Mahzuz blame the situation to the city folks that have lose their ancestors tradition. For me the it's not totally their fault when the working hours is long and all the time they got left is for spending with their love ones. Then how can they manage to easily get to know to their neighbours and people living next door to them.

It's just another bad habit of people. But how about thos kampung folks that always dwelling over people matters and talking bout people lifes which obviously a sin? Hahaha.. There.. it's just the same. Each community have their own strength and weakness.

We go back to Al-Jenderami when the place also have settlement area for old folks that felt enough with the duniawi matters. There at Al-Jenderami they could spend their time all day long only to perform their prayers and do the ibadah without worrying about the outside world. These aunties (since only older women are accepted to this place) or shall I call them the grannies whom alredy exhausted with the lavish living back at their home will settle here at their own compound and manage their own living all by themselves.

The concept is rather simple. The Grannies shall able to take care of themselves coz the people who manage this area is not their caregivers. Indeed, there are several requirements that needs to be fulfilled by the Grannies before accepted as their community.
1) The Grannies must be able to walk right. This means they must be healthy.
2) The Grannies must be a widow. Thus they dont have any obligation except for children.
3) Their children must send the grannies for the first time registration.

Interesting.. Huh??
My lecturer Dr Zaitun said she, herself desired to be settled there at the end of her life. I also would like to end my last day there. If only I am a widower. I definitely sure my Ibadah will be more complete coz even Devil.. may dont even dare to pass through the area.



  1. salam. hi farah. saadah ni.know me? this i IS u farahanani i knew rite? i recognize ur photo though. so we're in d same class huh? but i went to al-jenderami d 1st trip, only a few of us biomedicians. haha. it was a very nice experience going there really. maybe i'll be a resident someday too.


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