Endless love.

This is the last night i'll spend time with my laptop.. I called her Farah technology since its an F-TEC brand. Aha.. Arfah will fly this beloved laptop of mine away from me to Cairo, Egypt since hers will only be received in December. I've been with this laptop since last year and the first post published on this blog is typed with this very laptop. Waaaaaaa...

Even I'll get a newer laptop.. Nicer and prettier.. The sentimental value will never dies.. Many things and incidents happens between me and this laptop. Its my first laptop ever. It dont have any single scratch.. and I love it sooooooo much! Aha..

Also I couldnt forget the memory of reformatting this laptop last 3 weeks when Alfian helped me out. Later that night I went through a blacklisted passage in KL for the journey to UPM. What a day.. and what a night! Luckily.. Alhamdulillah Allah helped me get through all the darkness and dangers..

So farewell to my laptop.. Farewell to the epitome of my happiness.. My F_TEC..

Also to my beloved sis.. Arfah Mawaddah whom is leaving to Cairo tomorrow. May All The Forces be With Her.. Aamin..


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