Lovey Dovey Crazy Valentine

Remember our ustaz saying… Do not follow the westerner’s culture. They are way too much different from us. The Muslims. Well I am totally agree with the ustaz. But to what extend we can or we cannot follow his advice?? Can we own a Nokia hand phone which is the owner is a Jewish? Can I hop on a GM car which is an American products? Can I even listen to any songs from those Americans and never had any intention to follow any bad deeds in the lyrics. I am not trying to be a pessimist. But I do not know why I tend to be angry to those confuse whom celebrating Valentine’s Day. Haven’t you all heard all those stories passed around since we were childhood?? About a priest name Valentine.. and he was killed on this very day just because his attempt to spread love among people?? And how proud of us nowadays that we actually (some of us actually) celebrating and grieving over his death. LOL.

Can I repeat my statement?? I think those who celebrate Valentine’s Day are those whose confuse. Love could be expressed the whole year round. You don’t have to wait until each year’s 14th February to celebrate love. Love is passion. Love is almost everything in our everyday life. We must love what we’re learning in the class so that we could remember the lecture better. We must love what we ate so that we could feel fuller. We must love the earth as we love ourselves. Even Prophet Muhammad pbuh said we are not Muslims until we love each and every one of us like we love ourselves. So what is sooo big with this 14th February??  
It’s not that I am jealous because nobody ever sends me any card written; Would yOu be my Valentine? It’s not that I am in deep frustration because I never had any chance to express my love to anyone. I just get disappOinted with some of us. Who claim they are Muslim. And proudly and loudly vows that they are Muslim. But people somehow along the way had forgotten. Forgotten to the very bottom line about what are Muslims truly made of. We are made by ourselves. Not any other culture. So I guess every One should remember that.


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