2 ekor lembu.

What a long day..
Luckily we have plenty of Watermelon. Thousands of pieces of Watermelon..
I almost get myself drown while enjoying the warmness the aunties gave me.. Which aunties?? These aunties..
I dont know why but i do LOOOVE being surrounded by old ladies.. Hearing their chat.. Their yawning and teasing at each other somehow really soothes my headache. and also stomach ache too. Huhu.. I dont have any idea how the bad bacteria could get the way to enter my stomach.

Talking about 2 cows..?? Yes we are! We had prepare food for about 500 peoples this morning because a wealthy man intend to sacrifice 2 cows and cook them for the Jamaah who attend the Zuhur prayer.

Talking alone is not enough.. I've captured some pics too.. Walaah..
Delicious Daging Goreng Kelantan.. Yummy..
Long Time No see.. Green Syrup. Ahaa!
The 'cute' Tok Mek.. Huhu..


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