D-Day I Become Radicare. Lol

My green pants that makes people thought I'm a Radicare whom just finish the day shift. haha

A mom who really cares about her two sick daughter but care enough to read her motivational books.

Two sick girls who makes little chaos at Balai Pelawat Hosp Serdang. Thankful to Allah they're H1N1 -ve.

Al-Azhar student who really excited to wear her sis new spect!


  1. uiks..
    lama x update blog..
    pegi mane?
    ko pki suar hijau baju kaler ape??

  2. tu.. baju warna putih.. tdg warna hijau.. haha.. adek aku cakap sbijik cam Bangla. aku cakap aa balek.. ko slalu pakai jubah cam org arab.. bia aa aku pakai cam org Bangla plak. hahaha..


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