Mama, nak pakai Topiah!

This phrase has struck in my head for a few days since the first night of Ramadhan. That night we went to Masjid Al-Syakirin, Jalan Gombak for that night and the crowd are heavy. Yet we managed to slip into the middle saff when people started the terawih prayer.

This little boy (whom said this words), I noticed him to be the only boy in the women staff line. He look so cute sitting on a little yellow chair with his yellow baju melayu suit. Ya.. he did break the saff line because his position is exactly at the middle of the saff. However that wasnt the thing that bothered me through my terawikh session that night.

We begun our prayer with the line behind this boy and his mother's line. At first he just sat on his chair quietly. (I know because I hear no voices other than Imam's Voice)

Later on after the 2nd prayer.. I started to hear this little guy's voice. Maybe his kopiah was dropped from his head but he keeps bugging his mom to 'pakaikan balik' his Kopiah. Gosh... his voice is really cute!!!!

That is soo distracting actually coz we were praying at that moment. But he is really cute and his presence at the mosque had at least shown his awareness of prayers during Ramadhan. So no accusation should be made at him! Haha..

Finally after we ended the terawih (actually we only do it for 8 rakaat). I came to this boy whom was laying on the carpet, and pinch his cheek.. His name is Adam and he only 3 years old!!

No wonder he's very cute and innocent!

Okay.. now I think I wish for a boy as my kid. Haha..


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