A to Z

Little allocation for some Jiwang words..

Love is like ABCD...

A is when I’m AMAZED with the way your talk
B is when I BECOME the real me beside you
C is when we’re CHILLING each other.
D is when you are the man of my DREAM
E is when I’m ENGAGED to your heart
F is when we’re FRIENDS and FOE equally
G is when your GESTURES show that you love me
H is when my HEART is all for you
I is when your name INSTALLED in my mind
J is when JEALOUSY play major role
K is when we KID ourselves
L is when you’re LOCKED to my heart
M is when MONEY is not the main factor
N is when the NORMALITY of us being together
O is when we face the OBSTACLE in our life
P is when you care about my PRIDE
Q is when we love our QUESTIONS
R is when I lay REST in your arms
S is when we become STRONGER day by day
T is when we’re TOTALLY mad about each other
U is when UNDERSTANDING become habit
V is when you VANISH my pain away
W is when the WORLD seems like only made for us two
X is when you gave me Xenodochy. 
Y is when YES, I’m in love with you
Z is when we create our own ZONE

Yours. Truly.

~Farahanani Amhazali is madly invOLVEd with you~



  1. Sedang hangat berkasih dengan imam muda yang mana satu ni? :p

  2. Oo.. Maksudnya setiap kali kita tulis sesuatu.. Perkara tu ada kaitan dengan kehidupan kita la..

    Unfortunately, this time its not..

    Hanya nukilan.. ;P

  3. Mungkin ya, mungkin tidak. Ohh! Kalau betul pun apa salahnya.

  4. Apa pun yang kamu fikir.. Itu bukan kenyataan nya.


  5. hehe.. mungkin bakal menjadi kenyataan.. tak siapa mampu menduga masa depan.. :)


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