Good to be back in Puncak Alam

Salam Readers!

Hows your Ramadhan so far?

Few years ago, 2 years to be exact, we had a visit from our Academic Advisor. I mention to her the meaning of Puncak Alam. I told her that Puncak Alam means Top of the World. LOL.

Overrated maybe but yes, maybe that was the developer or company owner intended to when they wanted to build another satellite city in this area. It must contain Alam and so they choose Puncak Alam as the name.



FH just being presumptuous.

I just got back from Kuantan less than two weeks ago. Now its time for me to re-settle in Puncak Alam and doing all the office job here. Meetings, letters, motivation session, tutorials, etc etc

I owe you guys so many stories and I dont know where to start.

Just a little hint for you that now FH did feel a little bit 'On Top of The World'. Haha. Not just yet. I need to submit my proposal to ICCE and maybe I will be confirmed on who will be my supervisor.


Did I told you how I kind of 'propose' my supervisor?

It happens so fast and what I did was asking him casually whether he wanted to be my supervisor and he said YES!


Talking about successful proposal.

Nope... Dont worry. So far nobody has proposed FH. Well, recently FH did tell someone face to face that FH wanted to get married in two years. So let's hope he can figure out by himself that if he wanted any serious relationship with FH, he has 2 freaking years to be ready. LOL.

But maybe as usual he is just like another man who only being nice to me without any intention to get married or what ever. So FH waiting game is still not over.

Maybe this Ramadhan my prayer will be fulfilled. Maybe Allah will grant me a Husband. HAHA.

A long long long Ameeeeeen... For that.

Till we meet again dear readers. I pray for your Ramadhan to be better than last year. 


  1. Replies
    1. Maaf, soalan itu sangat judgemental. Saya bukan terdesak tapi saya ada target yang jelas dalam hidup. :)


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