Shall we???

I embrace my respect on those who work day and night to make sure the city dont stop breathing. The people who work round the clock including plumber man (SYABAS contractor).. road man (labour that work at the constuction of highway or any other road) .. Wire man.. (TNB man) not to 4get the food service people for the 24-hour restaurants.. They're the true heroes of our everyday living. Their heart beat who keep up our daily living. Give them a big applause u guys..! Wee-huu...

Now I'll talk about something else. Some thing more hollistic. Last 2 weeks my family and I went to a place where some girl teenager were situated for giving them some education about life and how they can correct their mistakes. The place is called Raudhatus Sakinah.. In English it means... The Garden of Peace. Which Insya ALLAH the place will bring the girls peace in the heart and soul. The real story is when my 8 year old sister keep asking me 'bout the place.
It's a bit hard to me since I dont know the exact words to explain to her. It will be so awkward if I say the place is for abused girl whom some of them might already experienced sex before marriage and also smokers and sooo problematic in terms of behavior. Huhu..

So I told Aisyah (my sister) that the place is meant for those who seeks for protection. And Aisyah ask me back what kind of protection the girls needed that they have to stay at such place. I startled and finally my mum said to Aisyah that she will explain later bout the house. It's getting more funny when we reached that house because one of the resident paste a sticker to her locker.

The sticker was saying : "To You (ALLAH) I seek for protection"

Then I called Aisyah and make her read the sticker. I said back to her : See, I told u this house is for protection. Aisyah nodded a bit but then she continue her chatting with our cousin.

This make me realised.. It's really hard to eplain to children even about simple things such as when is the Sun goes during night and where did the baby comes from. Hahaha.. I cant imagine how difficult my mom and dad need to answer all my ridiculous answer during my childhood. Even now I will ask some terrible question but hey.. No question is a dumb question right? So again.. I swing my respect high to my parents as well as other parents who managed to answer
really well to their rising child. But I disappointed with those parents who scold their children for asking weird children.

Hello.. You guys are only killing your children's desire to grow up and for their cognitive to develope. So check back wheter you people are actually ready to rise any children. Or only ready to share your bed with your love ones.



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