What a week...

It's the 3rd day of Orientation Week for New Intake Students in UPM. Being part of disciplinary unit for the college is a bit tiring and making me wonder what my actual ability is. I can't shout too loud coz otherwise my voice will sound smaller. Ahaks... I never had any experience of being in any disciplinary part before. I was the one who will always debating and complaining to the prefects about all those stupid rules made by the school. I used to climb the fence in Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan with my girls' click if we're too late and don't wanna get caught by the pak guard. What a lousy idea. Thanks to Allah that none of us ever get injured!

I remember once when me and my other two friends, Sarah and Mira were trying to escape the school day by hiding during the inspection by the excos. But because one of us feels afraid we decided to go to school.. Unlucky to us coz the excos are not far enough from the hostel gate. Hahaha.. Laugh out loud to us. We all get boasted and was sent to Cikgu Azimah's room. Later 3 of us.. 3 little stoogies is asked to stand at the middle of the school's field for 3-damn hours. I believe those 3 memorable hours are one of the most historical moments happened in the whole history of Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan, KB! Hahaha.. Lol..

So back to this orientation week. Yesterday I watched a video by UPM at dewan besar about the scarification by our elders during the achievement of independent from the Queen. Almost every body puts their hands together and they gave up their jewelleries in funding the Tunku's journey in meeting the Queen.

I can't believe I actually cried while watching the video. Maybe somehow somewhere the feeling of patriotism burst into my heart. The feeling been expressed as my 2-3 drops of tears. Ahaks..

Ok.. stop being emotional. So I feel that all of us should be proud and honoured coz we all being blessed by Allah for giving us the oppurtunity to live or born in the country. Even later each one of us have our own views about the politics, at the end of the day the core understanding should be the same. We all do hope for global peace and Malaysian could live in harmony.

So I shall end here. Till I get some more time to scribe something later on.. Daa.. May Allah Bless U All.


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