Lovely 24 years..

Farahananani dah berusia 24 tahun sejak 24 jam yang lepas.

Saya lahir exactly 1.06 am pada 3 March 1987.


Dah mula rasa tua bila orang lagi muda dah kahwin or bertunang.

But hey.. My journey panjang lagi.. Who says we're getting older??

The number just being bigger.. year to year... It's a positive integer.


Yes.. I am happy...

Now I've accomplished 3 out of 5 from my "K"..

Ada lagi 2 to get before I'm 30..

Insya Allah akan dapat... Aamin!!

Kawan-kawan.. doakan saya ye.. :)


  1. I'm 24 also...


    Yeah, there are so many responsibilities I need to carry on my shoulders as I grow older...

    But I love it...

  2. Selamat Hari Lahir yang terlewat.


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