
Showing posts from July, 2011

Makan, Solat, Shopping

Salam.. Yours truly actually just got back from a 3 days camp held in Jeram, Kuala Selangor. I do feel good about camping..but few days before I go, I did share my uneasiness feeling with MK. He said.. yeah.. someone will die. I felt angry at that moment and pray that no one will get hurt. Not even a single cut. Guess what?  No body die but plenty became 'martyr'.. Chopp!! I mean in Paintball arena. Hoho.  FH played paintball.. twice! and the second round was by my own choice.  At that moment, inside the bushes, we played with some of the most experienced paintballers in Malaysia. Some get shot, and alive again. (Creepy)...some get killed and never rise again.(Hey..Itu saya la yang mati banyak kali tuh) I sort of thinking...and questioning myself. Is this how they war in jungle?  Maybe what FH went through is 10% or maybe 1% from the actual war scene.. (of course! they'e using rifle and real bullets while us using maker and paintball. Heh..) Now I really salut...

Of Izyan and Farah

[[Warning: This entry contain lotsa lotsa pitcha. Dont try to load this page with Intel Pentium at home]] Assalamualaikum! This is the second episode about our journey to Temasek on 7th July 2011. U might have read my previous entry which u could scroll down this page or click here >>>  2 Gadis Dalam Bandar ^_^ So, after we get refreshed at Masjid An-Nur, we took breakfast at stall nearby. The drink counter ran by chinese while other stalls we're mixed between Malay and non Malays.. Breakfast at 0851 hours Nasi Lemak $2.00. Epok2 Boyan and Iced Milo $1.20 each That should be enough. We dont want to be too full and later rushing for toilet. Dont we? We ate breakfast for two reasons. 1st, HUNGRY. and secondly, bcoz in order to hop on the bus to Woodlands Station, we need small change i.e. $1. Since we both only have the smallest $10, therefore, we hear one nice aunty from the Mosque to eat breakfast first.  Then, we waited for the bus and Daa... Woodlan...

2 Gadis di dalam Bandar..

Err.. The title sounds a bit different if I put it this way: 2 Girls in the City . Hurm.. Much better. Hoho.. Assalamualaikum.. How's you guys lately? Hopefully the spirit of Yellow still firing in each of your heart (for those who joined the rally, kudos  to them). and for those whom anti-BERSIH,  May Allah open your mind so that you could be more understanding and wise. Okey.. FH wont talk about politic since many people..NO..much people because they're so uncountable! Had written and expressed their feeling, experience, etc regarding BERSIH 2.0.  FH supported Bersih and so I'm wearing Yellow outfit on 10th July. The day after Bersih. See?? I've speak my stand. and that's my lowest Iman to not joining and only wearing Yellow 1 day after. My shame.. my shame.. So.. This is an entry about 1 exciting and anticipating day of last week. I wont say of my life since I dont know yet what will happened in the next coming months. Maybe FH will get married? Hurm??? ...

Review: Manuklon by Dr Rahmat Haroun

Setiap bangsa yang lemah, akan tertindas oleh yang kuat, dan selagi tiada yang berani, akan selamanya menjadi tawanan di bumi sendiri. Masih ingat petikan dari Al-Quran? “….Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga mereka sendiri mengubah nasib mereka….”   (Ar-Ra’du:11) Sejarah dah buktikan, dalam setiap peradaban manusia, akan wujud satu watak yang menjadi diktator, atau sesuatu bangsa yang menjadi penjajah kepada kaum yang gagal mempertahankan tanahair mereka. Ini adalah skrip oleh Tuhan sebagai ujian dan teladan bagi kaum yang dikehendaki-Nya. England, Sepanyol, Belanda, menjadi kuasa besar yang menawan dunia melalui laluan Lautan sebelum Jepun dan Jerman dan Russia muncul menjelang awal abad 20. Kemudian, secara perlahan-lahan, Amerika menjadi 'polis dunia' selepas Perang Dunia ke II. Apa kah prinsip utama dalam menguasai sesuatu kaum? Bagi pengamatan saya, apabila suatu bangsa itu lebih Maju dari segi ketenteraan (bil...

Scene Korea bak kata Yanti

Cerita Korea selalu buat orang terdodoi and berangan2 dengan scene yang memang lah tak pernah  jarang di buat orang kat real life. Bak kata Yanti, Piggy Back mesti ada dalam setiap drama K ni..  Apa Piggy Back tu?? Belakang B*** kah??? Bukan la... Piggy Back tu yang dokong awek kat belakang cam dokong kanak2 tuh.. Ala.. awek korea tu kurus-kurus kot.. Berat mesti tak sampai 50kg. Memanglah mampu nak dokong ikut style apa pun. For record, FH bukan peminat drama Korea.. tak suka tengok cerita Romantik dan tak baca novel Romantik hampir 10 tahun.. Dush.. That's the reason aku masih single sampai sekarang kot. LOL. Saya ada beberapa orang member baik yang suka benar dgn Korea.. Beli CD.. Tengok Konsert.. Jadi Fan Club.. Which is actually for me its a good thing. At least they got a passion for something.  Alah, FH ni.. ntah apa ntah yang ko passionate. Semua pun ko bedal.. Then... saya encounter beberapa adegan yang bak kata Yanti, "Ko ni selalu buat adegan Kor...