Aku Kurus, Kau Gemok!
Herm.. First tool you is need a penimbang berat yg cukup sifat. Kalo xde bateri pegi buh bateri dia dulu. 2nd.. Kena tahu tinggi masing2.
Ok.. Da timbang and dah tau tinggi, pastu get a calculator. Yang simple pn takpe.. Tak payah scientific calculator yang guna utk SPM/STPM tu..
Jadi, camne nak kira??
Macam ni >>>> Berat Anda (kg) / [Tinggi (m) x Tinggi (m)] = Indeks Jisim Tubuh aka BMI
Nak lebih jelas lagi???
Kasi contoh yg ada figure.. baru boleh dapat gambaran.
Contoh Pengiraan =>>
Berat aku 58 kg (Bukan Berat Sebenar)
Tinggi aku 153 cm @ 1.53m (Memang Tinggi Sebenar)
58 / (1.53x1.53) = 24.7 kg/m2
Jadi.. dah dapat figure ni... Kita refer kat jadual ni pulak ye..
Category | BMI range – kg/m2 |
Emaciation | less than 14.9 |
Underweight | from 15 to 18.4 |
Normal | from 18.5 to 22.9 |
Overweight | from 23 to 27.5 |
Obese | from 27.6 to 40 |
Morbidly Obese | greater than 40 |
Or nak yg international, boleh guna WHO interpretation
Muhasabah diri sekejap.. Rasa-rasanya status berat kita duk kat mana... Urm.. Kalo ikut kan kategori bagi bukan berat sebenar aku tadi,, kira aku masih dalam range normal bagi kedua-dua kategori.
Jadi dah terang2 an.. kita boleh juga check apakah kita OBESE atau tidak. Atau cuma OVERWEIGHT Atau dah NORMAL tapi masih rasa gemuk dan nak kurangkan lagi sampai dapat UNDERWEIGHT.
The MAIN problem with Body Image is, People tend to assume they're overweight when actually their NOT!
Ramai org yg aku jumpa, gila nak jadi kurus dan masih rasa diri gemuk (BODY IMAGE PERCEPTION, mungkin) walaupn hakikatnya anda lebih kurus dari aku sendiri. Haha.. (Ok.. Sebagai record di sini kategori aku adalah NORMAL).
Meh aku share satu INFO ttg research yg di jalankan di kalangan Royal Malaysian Navy Personnel.
Saje nak kasi gempak sket...
Petikan dari abstract nye;
Body mass Index (BMI) is currently part of the health indicators used by the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) health services. Prevalence of overweight and obesity appears to be increasing in the general population as well as in the military population. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) personnel and explore their association with key socio-demographic factors. Abdominal obesity and body fat percentage was also studied among the subjects. A cross sectional study, involving 909 RMN personnel aged between 18 to 50 years old, was conducted at three RMN bases in Peninsular Malaysia in year 2004. Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, waist and hip circumferences. Body composition was measured using the bioelectrical impedance analysis method (Tanita TBF-300A). Mean height, weight, BMI and body fat percentage were 167.5 ± 5.4 cm (range 7.8 – 45.1 cm), 67.2 ± 11.9 kg (range 46.5 – 108.7 kg), 23.9 ± 3.8 kg/m2 (range 16.4 – 41.3 kg/m2) and 22.5 ± 6.9% (range 7.8 – 45.1%) respectively. Based on BMI categories (WHO 1998), 3.6% of the subjects were underweight, 60.0% normal, 29.3% overweight and 7.2% obese. Overweight and obesity was found to be more prevalent among personnel of older age, higher rank, married, less educated, higher income and longer duration of services. It was observed that some 26% of the subjects had waist circumference values 90 cm or more, and are considered to be at greater risk for cardiovascular and diabetes diseases. It can be concluded that more than one-third of the RMN personnel were either overweight or obese, and a quarter of them were at greater risk of non-communicable diseases. In this respect, reducing overweight and obesity by targeting better dietary intake and increasing physical activity would be of great benefit in optimizing the health status of RMN personnel. [1]
Haaa???? Navy pn ada yang OBESE??? OMAIGOSHHH!!
Satu lagi...
Kajian yang di buat kepada makcik2 dan akak2 yg tinggal di Selangor pada 2004,
Introduction: The prevalence of obesity in developing countries especially among women is on the rise. This matter should be taken seriously because it can burden the health care systems and lower the quality of life.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of obesity among adult women in Selangor and to determine factors associated with obesity among these women.
Results: Out of 1032 women, 972 agreed to participate in this study, giving a response rate of 94.2%. The mean age was 37.91 ± 10.91. The prevalence of obesity among the respondents was 16.7% (mean = 1.83 ± 0.373). Obesity was found to be significantly associated with age (p = 0.013), ethnicity (p = 0.001), religion (p = 0.002), schooling (p = 0.020), educational level (p = 0.016), marital status (p = 0.001) and the history of suffering a miscarriage within the past 6 months (p = 0.023).
Conclusion: The prevalence of obesity among adult women in this study was high. This problem needs to be emphasized as the prevalence of obesity keeps increasing, and will continue to worsen unless appropriate preventive measures are taken.
Ok. Enough with scholars..
Di pendek kan cerita... Obesiti memang satu problem utk rakyat Malaysia. tapi apa kaitan dgn kita semua??
Takde pun.. HAHA.
Ia hanya jadi BEBAN bagi anda jika kategori anda dalam status OBESE/OVERWEIGHT (Ha... rujuk balik jadual kat atas)
Selagi anda bukan nya OBESE/OVERWEIGHT. anda SELAMAT.. Sebab kalau ikutkan.. Berat anda adalah normal dan bukannya gemuk pn.
Maybe kadang2 rasa cam seluar tu da ketat sket.. Pastu mula la rasa baju cam da sempit dan mula menggagau nak cari baju/seluar baru. Alasan nak shopping sebenarnya semua itu.. Hohoho.
Or maybe lepas bersalin dah mula rasa menggeleber kat certain points.. Or di sebabkan Sedentary LifeStyles ( Sedentary maksudnya NO EXERCISE AT ALL. Pergi kerja/kelas, balik, tgk tivi, makan, tido).
Anda rasa anda gemuk?
And then mula lah cari krim Halia, Krim Limau segala, krim Cellulite, pil pecah lemak, high fibre food, Detox, Sauna, Hah.. Dan seribu segala produk untuk kuruskan badan. Haaa... Kat sini la Lamers nak cucuk point jual product.
Mintak jauh semua tu.. Mintak jauh sangat2...
Peringatan sekali lagi, selalu la jadi kan amalan untuk selalu check berat badan sendiri sebulan sekali. (INGAT: Sebulan sekali. Bukan setiap kali lepas makan. Penyakit WAS-WAS tu....) untuk monitoring kalau-kalau tetibe mmg da naek 10 kilo dalam dua bulan. Isk.. Yang tu memang bahaya.
Allah dah reka satu sistem badan manusia yang unik yang sangat flexible kepada apa yg kita telan hari-hari sehinggakan memang susah bagi kita jadi gemuk melainkan tabiat makan kita ABNORMAL ataupun kita sendiri ada penyakit. Contohnya Hypothyroidism di mana kita mudah menjadi gemuk unintentionally walaupun da control makan. [3]
Oleh itu, BE POSITIVE to your Body, BE RELAX, and berjalan banyak sket. Kasik active sket muscle2 tu..
Harus di ingatkan.. Especially buat wanita-wanita di luar sana yg sememangnya lagi kurus dari aku. (SHhh.. AKu memang Jeles. Diam! ). Anda tak perlu selalu bising- bising kata nak kurus. Kalau perempuan tu peha dia besar, senang nak beranak, mak aku kata. Bukan aku kata.
And I am damn fed-up dgn org yg dah sedia kurus..tapi nak kuruskan lagi badan. Itu je sebenarnya point kali ni.
1. Razalee Sedek, P B Koon, I M Noor. Body Mass Index and Body Composition Among Royal Malaysian NAVY (RMN) Personnel. The Journal of Defence and Security. 2010; 1:1. Science &Technology Research Institute for Defence (STRIDE), Ministry of Defence, Malaysia
2. Sidik SM, Rampal L. The prevalence and factors associated with obesity among adult women in Selangor, Malaysia. Asia Pac Fam Med. 2009;8(1):2. doi: 10.1186/1447-056X-8-2
p/s; Next time kita belajar camne nak kurus pulak yer..
***FH merupakan bekas Pelajar Bachelor Sains (Dietetik), Universiti Putra Malaysia.***
actually kenapa adik awak tak ucap thank you kat kerajaan msia when ramai lagi yang balik boleh je say thank you kat government? dia lupa ke? atau dia benci kerajaan so wpun ditolong die taknak say thank you? saya tanya sebab saya nak tahu. both my uncle and auntie pun bukan big fan government..but they still say thank you openly on their blogs..
ReplyDeletesalam, ni ke adik ko??? teruknye perangai...takkanla tak reti nak berterimakasih..katenye islam, bknke islam ajar kite berbudi bahasa??? dlm surat tu bleh berterimakasih kat pesawat..tp kat pm, kat gomen takde pulak? aku terpk mgkin ade org delete name pm n gomen..
atau adik ko mmg taknak berterimakasih kt gomen??? korang anti-kjaan ke??
sy bace gak org2 kutuk adik awk.. just bersyukur je la. alhamdulillah ramai yg sedar yg adik awk tu sundalan..wpun suratnye mcm sopan, terserlah kejijikan hatinye. ramai rakyat msia yg dh bijak menilai budi bahasa seseorg melalui penulisan.. just nak pesan kat awk n famili, gunalah akal bila bertindak..krn org2 yg berpura2 akhirnya akan terperangkap jugak krn sikap sendiri.
ReplyDeletelg satu, sy agrees yg adik awk mmg badak yg pakai lgsir jamban. semoga die mati cepat, insyaallah. hidup pun kalau sekadar menjadi sundalan, takde ertinya.
adik saya berterima kasih kepada pihak yg membantu sahaja..
ReplyDeletelagi pun dah beribu2 org ucap kan terima kasih dekat government..
apa salah nya dia rakam kan sedikit penghargaan kepada NGO?
saya tak rasa apa yg dia buat salah..
semasa kat Mesir bukan semata2 goverment yg membantu pelajar pulang, padahal banyak lagi pihak lain yg membantu pelajar Malaysia kat sana.
jadi adik saya guna kan peluang di Harakahdaily utk mengucapkan terima kasih dkt pihak2 lain yg x di sebutkan dalam akhbar2 arus perdana.
Kalau awak rasa apa yg adik saya buat tu tak patut, terpulang kpd awak.. Kami tak buat apa2 kesalahan pn..
Allah lebih tahu segalanya..
As a dietitian, you tak percaya ker we can still be healthy while not in 'healthy' weight range (obese or underweight). And are we really healthy just because we are in the 'healthy' BMI range despite our food intake, activeness?
ReplyDeleteI want to ask because I minat nak jadi dietitian but believe in health at every size
Hi Ida :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by.
I do believe we have the rights to feel good in whatever shape we are.
Me myself belief we're healthy when we're free from any disease n not doing any practice that will lead myself to any disease. (Lifestyle-related disease, i mean. Hereditary is something else)
BMI range, as u can search, is quite different in some regions and country.
I do witness overweight people who are active n they become trainers at gym..
Its all about our mind setting and goal. Any approaches be it HAES or the traditional one, should be able to reach the outcome it intended to be.
The system wont fail, but people do.
Do i satisfy your queries?
BTW, Dietetics is so lively! Hope you'll be one and spread wellness in our society
Thanks for the answer, I relieved as I know I don't have to make fatties to lose weight but encourage them to become fit if I'm a dietitian. Thanks again =)